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Leigh Johnson

Leigh Johnson

Associate Professor


  • Mathematics, Computer Science & Physics

Contact Information


Leigh Johnson earned her Ph.D. in Mathematics Education (with a concentration in Statistics Education) from the Ohio State University in 2008 and arrived at Capital University in the Fall of 2009. Over the last 15 years she has developed several new courses that have significantly expanded the department’s offerings in statistics and data science. As the current Stegemoeller Endowed Chair in Computational Studies, she recently oversaw the development of a Data Science minor at Capital University. 

She is actively involved in national statistics and data science education communities. She sits on the Board for the Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education (CAUSE), serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education (JSDSE), and was recently elected to the Section on Statistics and Data Science Education Executive Council for the American Statistical Association (ASA). She has also served as an AP Statistics Reader and Table Leader for the last 15 years for CollegeBoard. Her research interests center on how students learn statistics and data science, particularly through active learning. She is also interested in how to improve communication about data; especially through data visualizations. 

  • Data Visualization
  • Introduction to Data Science
  • Introductory Statistics
  • Intermediate Statistics
  • Mathematical Statistics
  • Data Analytics
  • Integrated Mathematics I
  • Integrated Mathematics II
  • College Geometry
  • Ph.D. in Mathematics Education, The Ohio State University
  • Masters in Applied Statistics (MAS), The Ohio State University
  • Bachelor’s of Arts in Mathematics & Classics, Vanderbilt University

Johnson, L and Murray, T. (June 2023) Effective teamwork and communication: process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) in the statistics classroom. United States Conference on Teaching Statistics (USCOTS), Pennsylvania State University

Murray, T., Federico, P., Anderson, C. & Johnson, L. (Fall 2019). POGIL in the Classroom: Using Active Learning Strategies to Re-energize Post-tenure Faculty. Peer Review. 21 (4), 12-15

Weiss, L., McGowan, H., Wroughton, J. & Cope, T. (November 2013). Exploring the role of context in students understanding of sampling. Statistics Education Research Journal. 12 (2), 32-58.

Slauson, L. (Spring 2012) The consortium for the advancement of undergraduate statistics education. Statistics Teacher Network, 79, 8-10.