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Education Accreditation

CAEP Accountability Measures

Capital University’s Educator Preparation Program is accredited by the national Council for the Accreditation for Educator Preparation (CAEP). Accreditation is a quality assurance process that includes an external peer review. CAEP has four accountability measures for continuous improvement that are shared publicly and updated annually. The data reports on this webpage address these four measures and are updated at the end of Spring semester each year; these annual reports include the data from the previous academic year for each of the accountability measures. Similar to how data are gathered and reported for the federal Title II report, data in this report represent data collected two years prior to the date of the report.

CAEP Accredited Provider

2020-2022 Data limitations due to COVID-19
Ohio ordered school-building closures and subsequent emergency legislation addressing the coronavirus pandemic had substantial impacts on state testing during the 2020-2021 school year. While many Ohio P-12 schools reopened in 2021-2022, the pandemic negatively impacted the number students participating in state testing, the number of teachers participating in annual evaluations (OTES), and the number of teachers and employers responding to surveys. As a result, the 2021-2022 OTES/OPES and Value-added data are limited, and survey response rates continued to be below previous years. Capital University and the state have taken measures to address these issues and as the pandemic wanes, participation rates in student testing, teacher evaluations and completion of surveys are improving.

2020-2022 Ohio Department of Higher Education
The Value-Added and OTES data were collected and reported in the Ohio Department of Higher Education’s (ODHE) annual report on Educator Preparation Programs in Ohio*. The data for these measures were partially collected by the state in 2020-2021. Limited data collection resumed in the 2021-2022 school year. The number of recent graduates of Capital University participating in these assessment measures including the state surveys in 2021-2022 was low, and the ODHE reports indicate that many of the categories have a notation of “N<10” which resulted in percentages not being reported for many of the measures.

*In addition to the low participation numbers, ODHE is experiencing some issues with these reports and is working to resolve them. For example, some data are showing incorrectly in the reports. An example is the response rate of 616.67% to the survey sent to Pre-Service Teachers. As reports become available and the ODHE provides Capital University with updated or amended reports, they will be uploaded to this webpage; for now they are listed as “Forthcoming.”

Measure 1: Completer Impact and Effectiveness

Completer impact on P-12 student learning and growth

Completer effectiveness in applying professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions

Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder involvement

Starting in 2020-2021, the Capital University School of Education in collaboration with other Ohio Educator Preparation Programs developed an employers’ perception survey “Perspectives on our Educator Preparation Programs” based on a survey previously distributed to employers by the Ohio Department of Higher Education. Employers of all Capital University education graduates/completers were sent a request to participate in this survey with a link to the online survey. This is the third year (2022-2023) of collecting this information from employers.

Stakeholder feedback and involvement

The School of Education's Education Advisory Council includes key stakeholders from urban and suburban districts from across multiple disciplines: the Advisory Council meets twice a year. The advisory council reviews survey data reports, program updates, and provides feedback to the School of Education faculty regarding suggestions for continuous improvement and opportunities for candidates and graduates.

Measure 3: Candidate Competency at Program Completion

Title II Report

The annual Title II reports provide information on a number of measures such as passage rates on licensure exams, enrollment, and clinical experiences.

Licensure Examination Pass Rates

Ohio Assessments for Educators (OAE) data including the pass rates for each test are reported for all Ohio educator licensure exams attempted by Capital University student teacher licensure candidates. Also, the pass rate for Capital University School Counselor licensure candidates is included.

Measure 4: Ability of Completers to be Hired

Ability of completers to be hired in positions for which they have prepared

Ohio Resident Educator Program

The Resident Educator program was a four- year comprehensive mentoring and professional development program (The Resident Educator Program in Ohio is now a two-year program).The Resident Educator data provided shows the persistence of hired Capital University graduates through the program.

Other School of Education Data Reports

CAEP Accredited Provider