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Diversity Organizations

You'll have many opportunities to get involved at Capital. Our student organizations will help you explore:

  • The academic programs available to Capital students
  • Opportunities to give back to your community through service projects
  • Your religious and spiritual beliefs
  • Social and leadership opportunities that will support your personal and professional goals

Student organizations are subject to the University’s nondiscrimination policies.

Student Organizations

Asian American Alliance (AAA)

The Asian American Alliance serves as a support network for Asian-American students through social and educational programs and outreach. We also provide awareness and education programs about Asian cultures. Annual programs organized by include the Chinese New Year celebration.

Black Student Union (BSU)

Black Student Union's goals are to aid in the educational, social, economic, political, and cultural struggles of the African American people in relation to students enrolled in a predominantly white institution of higher learning and to represent the views and concerns of African American students in order to initiate change. Annual programs organized by Black Student Union include: Kwanzaa Program; Black History Month Programs; and Sandé/Poro Banquet. Membership is open to any member of the Capital community.

Ebony Brotherhood Association (EBA)

The Ebony Brotherhood Association is a social and service organization that aim for the advancement, unification, and maintenance of the African-American culture. The purpose of EBA member is to support and uplift Black men on campus and in the surrounding community. Annual programs organized by EBA include Black is Beautiful, Barber shop Talk Series, and their annual Health Fair.

Students of Latinx Affinity (SOLA)

The purpose of the Hispanic/Latino Organization is to unite all Hispanic students on Capital’s campus and to allow the students in the group to experience the variety of ethnicities in the Hispanic culture. It is also the hope to increase recognition of the Hispanic culture within the Capital University community. Annual programs organized by SOLA include Cinco de mayo celebration and a variety of events during Hispanic Heritage month.

Global Student Association

ISA is an organization for the international students and interested U.S. students at Capital. The international students, U.S. students, and the faculty members who have traveled, studied, worked and taught abroad provide the core of the association. ISA is open to all students, faculty, and staff who are interested in learning about and sharing with cultures from all over the world.

Capital University Pride

As members of Capital University's LGBTQIA+ organization, Pride, our mission is to provide a safe environment of support, an attitude of acceptance, and to promote advocacy of all students regardless of perceived sexual orientation or gender identity/ expression.

Sister Network

The Sister Network is an organization whose goal is to address issues which women on campus face and to be a network of support spiritually, emotionally, and mentally for African American women through bonding experiences. The objective of the group is to meet and familiarize oneself with all the black women on campus through alternating a monthly meeting and a social activity.

Voices of Praise Gospel Choir

The Voices of Praise Gospel Choir is a multi-cultural aggregation of singers in the Capital Community. We believe in the power of the gift of music, which God has given to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to enhance student life by providing spiritual enrichment through the ministry of music. We endeavor to promote unity within the body of Christ, strengthen the institutional culture and further build constituency relationships.