Sherri Quinones
Instructor, Psychology
- Psychology
Contact Information
- 614-236-6555
- squinones2@capital.edu
- Ruff Learning Center 220
Dr. Sherri Quinones teaches social science statistics, developmental psychology, and general psychology. She has a background in research on cognitive development and standardized testing. Prior to arriving at Capital, she was a research analyst for the American Institutes for Research (AIR), an educational consultant for the Ohio Department of Education (ODE), and a district test coordinator for Dublin City Schools.Dr. Quinones’ main research interest is in gender and ethnic differences in mathematics attitudes and beliefs. Basically, what experiences shape our attitudes and beliefs towards math and how do those attitudes and beliefs translate into differences in performance? Her ultimate goal is that by understanding how our attitudes and beliefs affect performance (and vice-versa), it will help those who struggle in the math classroom.
Social Science Statistics
Developmental Psychology
General Psychology
Developmental Psychology
General Psychology
Allison, T., Hoddinott, B., Nicholl, T., Quinones, S. and Slenkovich, K. (2015). Logan County Community Needs Assessment February 2015 Survey Results Technical Report/Comprehensive Data Tables. Bellefontatine, OH: Mary Rutan Foundation.
Quinones, S. (2013). Kids Read Now 2013 Program Evaluation. Troy, OH. One Call Now.
Quinones, S. (2012). Kids Read Now 2012 Program Evaluation. Troy, OH One Call Now.
Quinones, S., Allison, T., Haver, A., and Hoddinott, B. (2012). Logan Co. Community Needs Assessment. January 2012 Survey Results. Bellefontaine, OH; Mary Rutan Foundation.
Bohrnstedt, G., Rodriguez, C., Wiley, E., Quinones, S., Jakwerth, P., and Reed, E. (2000). A Study of Trends in Test-Taking Among Equity 2000 Graduates. The College Board: Report No. 89.
Kirshstein, R., Birman, B., Quinones, S., Levin, D., Stephens, M., and Loy, N. (2000). The First-Year Implementation of the Technology Literacy Challenge Fund in Five States. U.S. Department of Education: Office of Educational Research and Improvement.
Bohrnstedt, G., Jakwerth, P., Rodriguez, C., and Quinones, S. (1999). The Senior Survey Analysis of Cohorts 1,2, and 3. The College Board: Report No. 87.
Herman, R. , Aladjem, D., McMahon, P., Masem, E., O’Malley, A., Quinones, S., Reeve, Al, Woodruff, D. (1999). An Educator’s Guide to Schoolwide Reform. Arlington, VA: Educational Research Service.
Pelavin Research Center. (1999). TLCF On-Line State Performance Report: An Analysis of State-Level Data in Three States. Research report prepared for U.S. Department of Education: Planning and Evaluation Service.
Quinones, S., Rodriguez, C., Bohrnstedt, G. (1999). A Follow-Up Study of Sample of Equity 2000 Graduates. The College Board: Report No. 88.
Quinones, S., Kirshstein, R., and Loy, N. (1998). An Educator’s Guide to Evaluating the Use of Technology in Schools and Classrooms. U.S. Department of Education: Office of Educational Research and Improvement
Ablard, K., and Tissot, S. (1998). Young students’ readiness for advanced math: Precocious abstract reasoning. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 21, 206-223.
Hartzman, M., Hawkins, J., Kopf, N., and Quinones, S. (1997). Global Access: Technology Use in the Montgomery County Public Schools: Summary of Survey Data from Students and Teachers – Year 2. Montgomery County Public Schools, MD: Department of Educational Accountability.
Mills, C., and Tissot, S. (1995)..Identifying academic potential in students from under-represented populations: Is using the Ravens Progressive Matrices a good idea? Gifted Child Quarterly, 39, 209-217.
Quinones, S. (2013). Kids Read Now 2013 Program Evaluation. Troy, OH. One Call Now.
Quinones, S. (2012). Kids Read Now 2012 Program Evaluation. Troy, OH One Call Now.
Quinones, S., Allison, T., Haver, A., and Hoddinott, B. (2012). Logan Co. Community Needs Assessment. January 2012 Survey Results. Bellefontaine, OH; Mary Rutan Foundation.
Bohrnstedt, G., Rodriguez, C., Wiley, E., Quinones, S., Jakwerth, P., and Reed, E. (2000). A Study of Trends in Test-Taking Among Equity 2000 Graduates. The College Board: Report No. 89.
Kirshstein, R., Birman, B., Quinones, S., Levin, D., Stephens, M., and Loy, N. (2000). The First-Year Implementation of the Technology Literacy Challenge Fund in Five States. U.S. Department of Education: Office of Educational Research and Improvement.
Bohrnstedt, G., Jakwerth, P., Rodriguez, C., and Quinones, S. (1999). The Senior Survey Analysis of Cohorts 1,2, and 3. The College Board: Report No. 87.
Herman, R. , Aladjem, D., McMahon, P., Masem, E., O’Malley, A., Quinones, S., Reeve, Al, Woodruff, D. (1999). An Educator’s Guide to Schoolwide Reform. Arlington, VA: Educational Research Service.
Pelavin Research Center. (1999). TLCF On-Line State Performance Report: An Analysis of State-Level Data in Three States. Research report prepared for U.S. Department of Education: Planning and Evaluation Service.
Quinones, S., Rodriguez, C., Bohrnstedt, G. (1999). A Follow-Up Study of Sample of Equity 2000 Graduates. The College Board: Report No. 88.
Quinones, S., Kirshstein, R., and Loy, N. (1998). An Educator’s Guide to Evaluating the Use of Technology in Schools and Classrooms. U.S. Department of Education: Office of Educational Research and Improvement
Ablard, K., and Tissot, S. (1998). Young students’ readiness for advanced math: Precocious abstract reasoning. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 21, 206-223.
Hartzman, M., Hawkins, J., Kopf, N., and Quinones, S. (1997). Global Access: Technology Use in the Montgomery County Public Schools: Summary of Survey Data from Students and Teachers – Year 2. Montgomery County Public Schools, MD: Department of Educational Accountability.
Mills, C., and Tissot, S. (1995)..Identifying academic potential in students from under-represented populations: Is using the Ravens Progressive Matrices a good idea? Gifted Child Quarterly, 39, 209-217.
Degrees Earned
BA in Psychology - Miami University
MA and PhD. in Applied Developmental Psychology - University of MD Baltimore County
MA and PhD. in Applied Developmental Psychology - University of MD Baltimore County